Graveyard of Alderaan

With Friends Like These...
If You Can't Beat 'Em...

Star Wars

Rebellion Era

Graveyard of Alderaan

When you return to base, you receive commendations from your superiors and congratulations from the grateful soldiers of the Alliance. That evening after dinner you receive a summons from the base commander. He gives you a holodisk and tells you that you are to view it in private. The disk is encrypted.
"Greetings Alexis, Captain Ben-dahli, Chaar-Zook, Chev Saxon, Harnious Thermopyle, and Ulric of Mon-Calamari. For several years now you have served the Alliance with distinction, and as recent events have borne out, your dedication to the cause is unquestionable. I have placed this message in your hands in the hope that it will in some small way allow me to express my undying gratitude for your actions in the Graveyard. You saved the lives of my friends and myself, and for that I am eternally grateful. I regret that I am unable to deliver this message to you in person but I have recently learned of pressing matters that require my attention at our base on Hoth. I had hoped to honor you all with a ceremonial dinner so that I could speak with you about the things you witnessed in the Graveyard, but as is often the case, duty calls. Perhaps we will have the opportunity some other time. Until then, thank you again. The Alliance owes you a debt it cannot repay. May the Force be with each of you."
The image of Princess Leia Organa fades.