Scavenger Hunt


Star Wars

Rebellion Era

Scavenger Hunt

Chardot: Is this really an Imperial shuttle and are you sure you can fly it?
Gris: Relax. I used to pilot jump-ships, which are very similar to Imperial shuttles in most respects. - except for this knob. Anybody know what this knob does?
Alexis: Humor. In our situation. That's very comforting.
Chardot: When I take the Final Jump, I don't want to be in an Imperial shuttle.
Gris: Don't worry, flyboy. They made some "special modifications" to this bucket before we took off. We'll be all right.
Harn: (over comlink from escape pod) Well, I don't know what good a couple of extra guns and some shielding are going to do against an armed Imperial transport.
Gris: Think about it. We're flying an Imperial shuttle. We'll just slide up close to them, all friendly like, and then -
Alexis: We're Rancor chow. Nice plan, very simple.
Gris: So the odds aren't so hot. The Admiral didn't have the time or the resources to come up with anything better. We're his only hope.
Chev: That's right. Think of the consequences if we can't destroy Elusive before she gets to an Imperial base.
Chaar: We heard the speech. If we don't stop that transport, the entire Alliance underground network in the surrounding sectors will be compromised.
Harn: I can't believe Dankayo's base personnel left those databanks intact. What were they thinking?
Ulric: They were probably busy saving their lives. That's what I'd be doing if my base were under Imperial attack.
Chev: That still leaves us in this predicament. I just hope the transport is still in orbit when we get to Dankayo.
Alexis: We'll find out soon enough. Strap yourselves in. I'm cutting in the sublight engines.
The Imperial shuttle emerges from hyperspace in the Dankayo system. The Elusive has just begun moving away from the planet in preparation for a hyperspace jump.
Chardot: There she is! And by the looks of that trail of garbage, she's about to go to lightspeed.
Chaar: Isn't it nice how Imperial procedure never varies. So what do we do now?
Ulric: Now we do what we came to do.